Of all the characters Jessica Lange has played throughout her illustrious career, it's Mary Tyrone, the restless, morphine-addicted mother of Eugene O'Neill's play Long Day's Journey Into Night, that ...
Written by playwright Eugene O’Neill between 1939 and 1941, and first published posthumously in 1956, Long Day’s Journey Into ...
The Dublin Film Festival came to an end at the weekend after one of its most varied programs yet. Guests visiting the event ...
The pair play husband and wife Mary and James Tyrone, whose two sons Edmund and Jamie are played by Colin Morgan and Ben ...
Jessica Lange didn't leave a lot of room for discussion with her response about a possible return to the American Horror ...
“Oh Christ no!”💀 SPIN caught up with #JessicaLange at the Dublin International Film premiere of her latest ‘Long Day's ...
Lange recalls 'marvellous' time filming Rob Roy in the Highlands as she says every role she's ever played 'brings with it its ...
Glasgow Film Festival is taking place between February 26 and March 9 and a whole load of famous stars are in the city for ...
Jessica Lange dismisses the idea of returning to American Horror Story, saying, “Oh, Christ, no!” at a film premiere.
It focuses on the period when she moved to America and took US citizenship and the programme will reunite her with Feud and ...
The legendary actor won critical praise — and two Emmy Awards — for her chilling roles on the horror anthology franchise.
Jessica Lange, known for her roles in American Horror Story reveals if she will be returning to the show or not.