President Donald Trump’s address before Congress shows he’s serious about returning America to the top of the world order, writes Armstrong Williams.
Time will give us the answer. Armstrong Williams (; @arightside) is a political analyst, syndicated columnist and owner of the broadcasting company, Howard Stirk Holdings. He is also part owner of The Baltimore Sun.
Williams wrong to believe that Donald Trump is even slightly interested in improving the lives of Black Americans.
WBFF- Baltimore — In president Donald Trump's first address to congress in his second term, he boasted about his accomplishments in his first days back on the job. He criticized democrats and those not loyal to him and his vision.
President Donald Trump said he’s accomplished more in 43 days than most administrations accomplish their entire four or eight years in office.
WASHINGTON (TNND) — President Donald Trump said he’s accomplished more ... as it lasted roughly an hour and 40 minutes. Armstrong Williams, who is known as a Washington insider, was there ...