The show will debut on Disney+ on 5 March 2025 and reunites Charlie Cox (Matt Murdock / Daredevil) and Vincent D’Onofrio (Wilson Fisk / Kingpin) in a new series that's seemingly even more brutal than the Netflix original.
DISNEY+ viewers have declared an upcoming show ‘perfection’ – as it returns seven years on from being axed. Daredevil initially aired on Netflix from 2015 to 2018, spanning three
Vincent D'Onofrio and Charlie Cox open up about the wild confrontation between their characters in "Daredevil: Born Again."
Born Again trailer, Kingpin actor Vincent D'Onofrio has shared an update with fans and confirms it was postponed due to the ongoing Los Angeles wildfires. Check it out!
The latest trailer for the Disney+ revival answered many questions ... “Mayor Fisk” storyline from the comics, with Vincent D’Onofrio reprising his role as Wilson Fisk, aka Kingpin.
Daredevil: Born Again star Vincent D'Onofrio confirmed that the trailer release was delayed due to the Southern California wildfires.
Marvel Television has released a handful of official stills from today's Daredevil: Born Agan trailer while Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio have also shared new insights into the upcoming
Daredevil: Born Again will continue The Man Without Fear’s adventures, and there are a collection of episodes from Netflix’s Daredevil that are particularly relevant to it. Daredevil first began on Netflix in 2015 as the first of Marvel’s street level heroes showcased on the platform.
Daredevil: Born Again is set to introduce the late Kamar de los Reyes as Hector Ayala’s White Tiger. But who is the character in Marvel Comics?
Daredevil: Born Again star Charlie Cox does not see himself throwing in the towel as the Man Without Fear for a long time. The fan-favorite actor recently revealed that he could see himself remaining part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for another decade or two.
As fans are eagerly awaiting the release of Daredevil: Born Again, which is set to premiere on March 4, 2025, on Disney+, the absence of a trailer has them worried. The show marks Charlie Cox’s second collaboration with Marvel after he worked with Netflix in The Defenders franchise.