Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 animated hit, premiered exclusively in theaters on Nov. 27.
The smash hit "Moana 2" dominated movie theaters during the holiday season, raking in nearly $1 billion in the worldwide box office and outperforming other heavy hitters like "Wicked." Now ...
“This month, we saw the impact of longevity on highly anticipated films, like Wicked and Moana 2 and the continued ... But Canadian movie ticket sales for Cineplex were still below the pre ...
Moana and its sequel are two of the most successful movies in the history of Walt Disney Studios, and now, the company has been hit with a lawsuit claiming that the ideas for both Moana and its ...
"Moana 2" grossed $26.6 million last weekend and its box office total stands at $717 million worldwide, per Deadline. That makes it the fourth-highest grossing movie of the year. For now ...