Or triumphant. The poem’s most poignant feature may be the soldier’s optimism, his faith in what comes after hell. He insists on the necessity of that faith, perhaps as a way of reassuring himself and ...
Poems can promote understanding by taking us behind enemy lines. Threatening to boycott anyone's art or literature will only ...
Adam Plunkett’s Love and Need offers something of a recuperation of Robert Frost by reminding us that the poet's fierceness ...
February is National Haiku Writing Month. The website nahaiwrimo.com urges us to write one haiku a day for the month of February. "Why February? Because it’s the shortest month, for the world’s ...
"We all engage in small and large acts of translation every day," she said of her work as a Haitian-born writer in "a city of immigrants" and "a nation of immigrants." ...
Is poetry useless?
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts may have a better right than any other state to call itself “the poetry state.” Celebrated poets from Emily Dickinson and Ralph Waldo Emerson to Elizabeth Bishop and ...
The interview with the translator of 'Firelets' highlights the challenges and motivations behind translating Bharati's poems.
Carl Gelderloos, an associate professor of German and the director of undergraduate studies for German, hosted “Languages of ...
In our latest 5 questions with feature, meet Duane Matthew Dodson, an assistant professor of English at Stark State College and a poet.
The Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies Program, in partnership with the Spanish section, invites the U of A community to a celebration of love and friendship from 2-3 p.m. today in J.B. Hunt ...
Closely aligned to the theme of romantic love is that of desire, and across the centuries poets have written about the ...
Honduran native Daniel Letona immigrated to the Boston area to build a high-tech career. He also found a community in the ...