"Dune: Prophecy" episode 3 focuses on young Tula Harkonnen's relationship with Orry Atreides. Star Emma Canning breaks down ...
Amid the dedication to uncovering the truth behind the death of Reverend Mother Dorotea (Camilla Beeput), the air of distrust ...
Dune: Prophecy has dropped its third episode. It showcased numerous twists and turns from the fate of Orry Atreides and ...
Dune: Prophecy‘s latest episode, “Sisterhood Above All,” sees the seemingly sweet-natured Tula Harkonnen murder a bunch of House Atreides’ members – even her fiancé, Orry! But why does ...
"Has he, too, pushed the boundaries of what it means to be human forward, or is there more to his story?" showrunner Alison ...