Across Michigan, there were several events celebrating MLK Day with an eye on Trump's plans as he becomes president ...
"Our agenda is justice": The MLK Commission of Mid-Michigan celebrates their 40th Day of Celebration Former president George ...
Many public institutions are closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Monday, while some private businesses remain open. Here's ...
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
Monday has been proclaimed as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Michigan by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Lt. Gov. Garlin ...
Central Michigan University spent their Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a day “on”, instead of a day off, having a celeb ...
DETROIT (FOX 2) - Hundreds gathered at St. Matthew's-St. Joseph's Episcopal Church in Detroit for the annual Martin Luther ...
TRAVERSE CITY - Northern Michigan students went out into the community to give back in honor of Martin Luther King Junior day ...
The June 1963 march in Detroit was, at the time, the largest civil rights demonstration in U.S. history, with 125,000 ...
Michigan State University, the MSU Divine Nine National Pan-Hellenic Council, and the MLK Student Committee hosted its MLK Commemorative March at the Multicultural ...
The rest of the week includes a free screening of the movie origin, and plenty of panel discussions dissecting Dr. King's ...
People gathered Monday to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr Day.  It’s an event that brings together the community through ...