I am not sure that turning the safety net into a hammock for the top 1% makes America great.
To exclude the Mississippi Legislature from the requirement of meeting in public seems questionable considering that the Legislature appropriates more public money than any entity in the state. And ...
Four years after the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Mississippians among those charged defend their actions.
Memphis-based Mid-South Food Bank serves 440,000 meals a year. It saw a huge spike in demand during the pandemic. Fortin said ...
A lawmaker playing hardball may cost poor pregnant women a policy that would help them receive timely prenatal care.
Let’s move ahead 17 years to this time last year. The Biggersville girls with Lainey Jack as their second leading scorer and ...
The City of Jackson ushered in what it called "100 Days of Peace" Wednesday, awarding $150,000 worth of grants to three ...
The University of Mississippi Medical Center has sought National Cancer Institute designation since 2012, a process it then ...
Senate Education Chairman Dennis DeBar said he does not support sending more tax credit money under the Children's Promise ...
A group of independent pharmacists from across Mississippi gathered at the Capitol Thursday to urge lawmakers to increase ...
Lafayette County Circuit Court Judge Kelly Luther made the decision during Sheldon Timothy Herrington Jr.’s bond hearing, ...
House Bill 1879 would have granted one gaming establishment already licensed in Mississippi the legal authority to build a ...