Lissu is a vocal critic of the Tanzanian government and head of the main opposition party, Chadema. He survived an ...
ACT Wazalendo has joined opposition peers in Tanzania in demanding proper reforms on electoral systems to guarantee free and fair General Election in October.
Angola is under scrutiny after denying entry to several senior African political figures who were set to attend a conference ...
Opposition leaders from across Africa said they were denied entry to Angola to attend the anniversary celebrations of the Angolan opposition party Unita.
Political analysts point to these developments as indicative of the challenges facing the African democratisation process, ...
A diplomatic standoff unfolded at Luanda Airport on Thursday when Zanzibar's First Vice President, Othman Massoud Othman, and a Tanzanian delegation were denied entry into Angola.
A diplomatic standoff unfolded at Luanda Airport on Thursday when Zanzibar's First Vice President, Othman Massoud Othman, and ...
Airport officials failed to provide any concrete explanation for the denial, suggesting they were following higher orders.
Maria, residing in Nairobi, Kenya, cited security concerns beyond her control as the reason for her absence, while Martin and ...
The party has decided that representation in special seats will be limited to a maximum of two terms (10 years).
A REVERED surgeon, medical educator and former cabinet minister, Professor Philemon Sarungi was laid to rest yesterday at ...